land mines
[2003-07-06 - 12:59 p.m.]

"You're back," the ugly black thing said to me.

"You're still here?" I replied.

After visiting my Mother, this critter's company was, in comparison, not horrible. She wants to take 'us' out to dinner. 'Us' includes my girls, me and other family members.

By the antics, unceasing phone calls, and general sense of contention in this immediate area, you would think she had proposed something closer to box seats for an audience with the President, the Pope, Denzel Washington, and a resurrected Moses.

You know that rowdy bunch of cartoon characters that will occasionally enter a public place, as in a restaurant or theater, and everyone around them just sort of gawks? That would be us.

This would be a perfect time to step on a land mine.

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